"We must have been in separate worlds in the 80's. mine contained 4 children, so our movie choices were way! different. my compliments on your choices anyway."
"i rarely listen to what other people think anyway. if i like the plot and the actors i will start watching but if i hate it i will turn it off"
"Amazing likenesses--- some of the real ones might wish they could be more perfect,---but just think--no more baths, no more food, no more listal---"
"Do movies made from books count? i live in an illiterate town---so to speak."
"Avatar,-- shutter island-- and - -the road-- were all much anticipated movies.-- i hope for more of this caliber--- soon."
"I watched shutter island for one reason---that i knew michelle williams was in it. her part was small but amazing. the rest of the movie was believable and i wasnt disappointed with it."
"Top of the evening to you--- i love the trials& tribulations- the love& laughter-the drinking,dancing& singing, and everything else about these- eire people thanks for compiling the list"
"fantasy is a wonderful genre. without it we would lead most uninteresting lives."
"I just saw alice in wonderland three nights ago. johnny depp was fabulous as the mad hatter. --- people raved about heath ledger as the joker, but the joker was --- madder than a hatter."
"it really is a well formed and executed list--my complements are hardly adequate but they are heartfelt---"
"'' your list has dragonsbreath''. very nice----"
"I love fantasy -- the last unicorn is #1.---i used to cry at the music. i wanted the soundtrack/ by america. only expensive import was available."
"50 first dates-who had the fucked up mind? drew's character had memory loss disorder---guy pearce also had short term memory loss disorder in memento. this isn't mental illness , is it?"
"What do you want from me?/adam lambert/i would answer------in my head/jason derulo---the whole song is a pick up line"
"They are indeed some ''hotties'' ---- i guess josh holloway is my #1 on this list-----"