"i didn't recognize nicole as samantha---i think juliana margulies was great in ''mists...'' i really' hated' the dress that the white witch wore in narnia---i loved all the 'eastwick' witches"

"i love-love-love---numbers-1--2--3--4--7--8--10---12--13---and 14------"

"i thought renee zellweger gave an impressive performance in cold mountain--just think of her varied roles--bridget jones-- nurse betty---miss potter---novalene price in 'the whole wide world'--- she "

"i have bought dozens of books about movies---but most of them are movie reviews that tell me who--what--when--where--why--the five most important things for me--to know about any movie--"

"my whole life also exists bcause of movies and television. i would be just a shadow if i hadn't seen the many things i experience on screen. how to laugh--how to weep-what life is--what life isn't--mo"

"i just discovered lifehouse.--- their video for broken----and halfway gone---"

"i thought i was entitled to my opinion too. i don't dislike any one just because they don't live up to my expectations. i just don't care to see people insulted either. saying get over yourself --is n"

"i like michael cera i guess -----i like the young and innocent look"

"I loved Jon Erik Hexum's show --Voyagers -----That he basically caused his own death was as much a tragedy as was Heath Ledger's death."

"well this is an interesting list- i haven't seen some of these images?-- maybe not ever."

"------i read all four of these---they are --v-e-r-y---popular at the local library"

"I know a lot of people are still homophobic ------i just wish people would get over it --who a person -- ''loves''-- is not a choice-- it just --is"

"I love adam lambert. whoever he wants---he is the sexiest singer i know-------according to wikipedia ---people just assume that jodie foster is lesbian, ---but she didn't say she was."

"I like jesse, michael, joseph, and james mcavoy especially!!!"