"i would never expect to see tom cruise and michael jackson on a list called infamous---they are famous however. i don't blame them for anything----"

"the only ones on your list that i am familiar with are jena---since she was very young---scarlet--like her for several years now--mandy from how to deal''"

"i didn't notice emily and zooey in many of these movies ---i knew zooey in elf, winter's passing and especially 500 days...-----i really only got to know emily from ''bones'' they both are attractiv"

"the crop of newest young actresses seem good to me---kristen has been in several movies i like--''the cake eaters'' for one-----i like emma roberts and dakota fanning well enough---"

"i would say talent-- equals freedom from--- nerdhood---"

"i had seen the two that were in magazines--they are pretty cool----"

"wikipedia has a list cross referencing all of the movies and actors under their heading of ''brat pack'' (actors) i was very into that group of movies in the mid'80s. most of these movies are still wa"

"i must like jason a lot? i watch most of his movies---"

"yahoo had a front page story yesterday about neil patrick harris--their OMG-comments were inundated with for-- OR-- against the right to be ''out''----"

"i don't like any of the characters, but the actors are all good-----"

"there appears to be more ''black--ness out there than i realized.----"

"drew barrymore and hugh grant both were in-- music and lyrics-- where the could have used the headphones."

"i wouldn't mind hot tubbing with a couple of hunks on your list---robert --and james-----maybe jensen too."

"when i got my first perm and the hairdresser brushed out the curls, i cried--it didn't look as curly as keri russell's -----some hair just doesn't want to be----curly---i was 12. -- ellen degeneres ha"

"what i like best about vampires is that they don't work for a living--except dr,cullen---they sleep all day---you don't have to cook for them---and they wear sexy clothes----but they need to lose the "

"that is a great photo of lee lee sobieski---i'll always admire her as joan of arc from the miniseries----zooey and kristen had grand photos too. thumbs way up for the list---"

"i would like to start over with the book series ---and read them in the order c.s. lewis wrote them----"

"i always liked thundercats------ the action figures as well."

"You are still my favorite forever, heath, in any list----and in my memory."

"many good books------a little princess was my favorite---"

"I haven't watched these. It seemed that EWAN had the right question----"

"i try and try--- but i never seem to feel enthusiastic about any of ralph's roles----he is too cool for his shirt, but never funny?"