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All reviews - Movies (23) - TV Shows (4) - DVDs (5) - Books (4) - Music (3)

Jesus review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 2 July 2010 01:47 (A review of Jesus)

i have seen this story of jesus. it tells the bible/ new testament version faithfully from start to finish. one of the u.s. religous organizatons offered free vhs copies to people who requested one. it is interesting for most who enjoy films of the chtistian savior. brian deacon plays jesus.

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Greyfriars Bobby review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 2 July 2010 05:41 (A review of Greyfriars Bobby)

if you haven;t seen greyfriar's bobby , but you watched hachi a dog's tale then watch it--you won't weep as hard for bobby but he is an unforgettable little skye terrier just the same--bobby lived on the farm where old jock worked for many years. well finally old jock was sent away because hard times had come and jock was old ,so jock went to edinburgh and bobby followed him. the farmer came for him but bobby just ran away again. sooner than enough old jock who was staying in the worst kind of rooming house believable died from illness-- age-- little food-- and no care and was buried in greyfriar's cemetary. bobby entered the kirk yard and lay atop jocks grave, but the caretaker told him dogs aren't allowed and sent him away. bobby, the wee dog kept coming back, but finally had to go to court because he had no dog license. all the poor children who lived thereabouts -saved up all their shillings and ha-pennys and paid the court for a licence-- so bobby was given free run of greyfriars and all the children who had no dog for want of money to feed and license it, treated bobby as their own dog from then till the wee dog was no more---it is the loveliest film that ever claimed to be disney--this review is straight out of my wee memory from years long enough ago thank you very much if you read it and more if you watch it because of me.

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On the 2nd Day of Christmas review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 1 July 2010 10:26 (A review of On the 2nd Day of Christmas)

mary stuart masterson as patricia tracy is a down- on -her luck young mother of 'patsy'-- they go into a department store and 'trish' encourages her daughter to shoplift- something- so she will have a gift for christmas---- bert ''mark ruffalo'' the store detective catches them and is supposed to turn them over to the police.--- since it is christmas eve,- bert decides to wait and have them spend christmas at his home. ---they get acquainted and he understands what is happening in their lives-- and becomes determined to try to help them get out of the legal situation.----- this still isn't a wonderful review,-but i hope it is smoother than my first try--i love mary and want to review more of her movies, but i watched them all so long ago---mary stuart masterson became a mother - of her only child-- last fall. -mary was born in 1966.

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An Education review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 1 July 2010 09:34 (A review of An Education)

i watched ''an education'' with no notion about it's plot---i thought carey mulligan was fine as the 16 year old jenny, a student about to take her a-levels exams. her parents aren't sure about her plans to attend oxford--her father is exceedingly sure that 'money doesn't grow on trees''. jenny meets david, a 30ish man who seems to have the world by it's coattails--he not only proceeds to romance her, but also her parents. he charms them into allowing much more than a parent would allow even in a much more permissive environment. he whisks her off to paris, even makes her forget her plans for oxford. she sees her future with david as more than she would ever have with--''an education''---then suddenly jenny discovers david's real life that he had hidden from her and she must cope with the facts of restarting her life without him.-- a wonderful movie? yes but--- it teaches that young girls are always falling in love w/older men, but older men aren't always what they appear to be-- in the end--

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Heavy Petting review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 1 July 2010 08:57 (A review of Heavy Petting)

a young man named charlie meets and falls for a girl named daphne -----charlie hates dogs and daphne's dog feels the same about charlie.-- however charlie soon finds that he enjoys the company of her dog,-- baby-doll more than daphne's. he continues to see daphne so he can spend time with her dog. it could be said that this movie contains the strangest love triangle ever---

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On Being a Cowboy review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 30 June 2010 05:35 (A review of On Being a Cowboy)

on being a cowboy--- is one of the short extra-- special features on the brokeback mountain dvd---in it heath and jake discuss their preparations for learning all the roping --riding--setting up tents--and numerous other things that a cowboy/sheep tender would have known. it helps us to see how the film came together--

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Roar review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 28 June 2010 03:56 (A review of Roar)

conor is a reluctant 20 year old prince in ireland in 4th century AD. one night while the rest of his village are partying at the wedding of conor's older brother, conor goes out into the woods to meet his lady -love who naturally in this type of tale is also the daughter of his families' rival and worst enemy. meanwhile the enemy's troops sneak into conors village and burn and massacre all the people there except one. fergus who has been protector for the village and conors family for all conors life, has gone down-celler to sleep off the effects of his partying. when he comes up top the next day, he finds everyone gone. while the massacre was taking place, the lady- loves father confronts she and conor in the woods and intends to kill conor. the lady steps between them to stop her father---and she is accidently slain herself.--later--conor returns to the site of his destroyed village--fergus explains and tells him they must raise an army to go after their enemies who have been coerced into joining forces with the roman invaders. much more happens in this exciting and dramatic tale told in 13 episodes that were shown on fox television--the show stars young Heath Ledger who definately filled some big shoes in this fine series which was created by shaun cassidy.

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a knight's tale review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 23 June 2010 07:21 (A review of a knight's tale)

PG-13--Special Edition-- 2001--- NTSC--HEATH LEDGER--MARK ADDY---ALAN TUDYK--SHANNYN SOSSAMON--W/ PAUL BETTANY AS YOUNG GEOFFREY CHAUCER --- ''WE WILL ROCK YOU'' this is not your ordinary- knight's tale --it is one of the canterbury tales------

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The Piano review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 23 June 2010 06:21 (A review of The Piano)

was a great movie--all music was by Michael Nyman---unforgettable story and music----i love both!!

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emmanuel review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 23 June 2010 05:45 (A review of emmanuel)

Includes amy grant-- sandy patty--michael w. smith--point of grace-twila paris--bebe winans--gary chapman--clay crosse--anointed--chris willis--larnelle harris--susan ashton--and--michael anderson--this is titled --a musical celebration of the life of --Christ

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